Once an old Howard Johnson is now the hip chic Ace Hotel and Swim Club. This is a young hip crowd. We,re talking kardashian hip. I was on celebrity watch. Very crowded not an empty Chaise lounge to be had by mid day.
Although the Hotel and pool decor didn't appeal to me,Two things stand out that I really enjoyed. First the people! the conversations around the pool were fun to listen too. And visually it was a good looking crowd, and well behaved.
Something you may not know is the lizard detests vulgar language and salty talk. It offends my delicate nature. And I'm not big on around the pool horse play. As you know I like a pleasant surroundings. No loud people
Second was the food, It was fantastic I had the best burger and fries I have ever had.
If you don't stay at the Ace do stop in and eat.
You can buy and day pass through the Feel Good Spa for $30.00 I enjoyed my day at the Ace and recommend that you visit soon.
Visit the Lizard Ricky Resort Wear store and pick up a shirt before your visit to the Ace.
Thanks for taking time to read my blog and invite your friends to follow the lizard on his pool side adventures. And as always may your life be filled with Sweet suntanned cash filled dreams.
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