"THE DARK SIDE OF DISNEY" DISCUSS! OK ill go first, whats this Mr Toad wild ride all about! Apparently hes a toad: and he drives but not very well. He seems to be of some means. Nice Tudor style home nicely appointed, wears a tailored suit but wears no pants, could be disturbing but There,s no bulge so he seems to be able to play it off. I don't really know the story behind the ride however it is a Disneyland favorite. We've all ridden the ride but have we really paid any attention or truly pondered the meaning of the ride.
First of all who gives a drivers licence to a reptile. My guess he lives in California a sanctuary state that provides drivers licence to undocumented toads. However the toad is a horror! on the road he runs through stops signs knocks down constructions sites causing injury's to public servants. The police cant stop him and at some point he rides the train tracks head on into a train. The toad is a terrorist!
Is this the example we want for our impressionable children? then after all is said and done he stands before Judge Judy to be sentenced to HELL! as he should be. Now the really disturbing part, as you take the wheel of the ride you yourself become "THE TOAD" well enjoy the short wild ride but here's the kicker ....at the end of the ride you go to hell.
Yes its true at the peak of a sunny day in the life of the lounge lizard Ricky even this reptile gets off his lounge chair at the fabulous Disneyland resort hotel to take a spin on one of my favorite rides in the magic kingdom.
So from he sage of sun the Liege of leisure and the sultan of tan may all your days be suntanned and cash filled
The Lounge Lizard Ricky
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