Monday, September 1, 2014

Toes of the Town

For those of you who are fans of the Lizard's  blog I have an update from a post earlier this year. From my post "Dangerous life of a Lounge Lizard" I spoke of stubbing my toe on a lounge chair. 

To more fully express the pain of the whole ugly incident I took a photo of the damaged toe. Since then a follower posted a comment " Thanks for the pix of the ugly toe". 

Hell yes! it was ugly I couldn't agree more; however friend you should try having to be that toe. It looked bad because it was bad. But here we are months later and "time has healed all wounds". Especially my toe. 

Like sands in the hour glass so goes the days of our lives. Hooters and I were invited to a wedding reception. A summer wedding, Tommy Bahama shorts and A lizard Ricky camp shirt I was ready to go. Its summer in Socal who's dressing up. I've spent the summer in the sun, as I should. Head to Toe I've got my tan on and I'm ready to show it off.

Before heading off to the wedding reception this evening I went in and got a pedicure. And damn! may I say my toes look great. In fact the whole look of my feet look great! I should be a foot model. 

I was so proud of my toes I was stopping people on the street to show them off. Then the next day we were at a dinner party and again I pulled out my very stunning fashion foreword feet to show off. If I could have I would of walked on my hands just to make sure nobody got away without seeing my work of art feet. 

Now of course one dose not put a pair of spectacular feet like these into a Walmart flip flop. Check out this pair of Adam Derrick "To Boot New York" Italian made men's sandal. So if any of my fans got a in at a modeling agency have them give me a call. My hair my go grey and thin and I've grown man boobs but my feet  are still 21.

Thanks again for being loyal followers to the Lizard Ricky Resort Wear blog. and as always May your life be filled with Suntanned cash filled days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sun Chaser

Somewhere driving between the Lake, the Pool and the beach I realized I'm a Sun Chaser! During the summer we spend our time at the lake house. As a child Hooters spent her summers at lake Gregory.  Her father bought the cabin 52 years ago. The cabin is still in the family. Today Lori and I have continued the tradition. 

This particular day at the lake started out sunny however the clouds started to come in and I turned to Hooters and said lets head down the hill to the pool. In an hour we were at Paradise Isle pool club. 

After some quality time in the sun, the clouds followed us. Hooters had a great idea; Lets keep moving west. 
We quickly showered and dressed, jumped into the car and we headed to Laguna Beach. Cliff house restaurant is one of our favorite stops in Laguna. 

However they don't take reservations, and on a Saturday night in the summer we had a two hour wait. It was a beautiful early evening. We put our name in and sat around a fire pit bar area and ordered chips and guacamole. 

Seated near us were two women with a small child. As we waited, along with many others these two women who sat next to us began a conversation with Hooters and I. It was very sweet these two women seamed very taken by Hooters and I. The older of the two women said "you two must be very close" you look like each other. She stated that many times couples that are so close and happily married can sometimes start to favor each others appearance.

The time flew by as we spoke with our new found friends and soon our table was ready. We hugged them goodbye like long lost friends and bid them farewell. 

By the time we sat down to our table the sun was setting. Another gorgeous Laguna summer night. I'm so grateful for my wonderful wife. "Wonderful Wife, Wonderful Life". Sun Chaser's. From the mountains to the sea and everywhere in between. We follow the sun. 

And as always may your life be filled with sweet sun tanned cash filled days. 

Lizard Ricky 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

World Cup 2014 England vs Italia

OK I don't get out of bed for just any party! However this week was an exception. The men's group from our church and a neighbor hosted a World Cup party. Being a church function I felt an obligation to ad lest "make an appearance". Yes I'm a foodie and a pool party enthusiast, but not a sport guy. Game time was 3:00 pm right in the middle of my pool time with Mama Hooters. The host of said party is a fine ol'e Englishmen and of course we were to be cheering for the Brit's.
The host warned any attendees found cheering for Italy would be grounds for taking a swim in your clothes. Now I myself could care less who won the game, I had no horse in the game. But I just couldn't show up and not make some kind of waves, its just not me. So 3:00 rolls around I tell Hooters I'm going over to the party, eat some whatever their serving, and be back in half an hour. I got my towel, I'm in my swim trunks I walk in to the back yard and yelled "BUONGIORNO". (crickets) Have you ever had one of those moments that went better in your head then in real life, this was one of those moments. The game was on and people were deep into it. nobody paid any attention to me. A couple of head nods and that was it. So I through down my towel and threw myself into the party!Now's were it gets bizarre. I HAD A GREAT TIME! this was one of the best party's I've ever been to. I loved it! I stayed for hours. The food was great. The pool was great, even had a slide AND I WENT DOWN IT. I haven't slid a slide in years. Great pool house and some of the best patio furniture I've ever sat on. The pool and yard were south facing giving me a lot of sun. The pool water was very clean. Temp of
water was 82, I prefer 86 however the sun was hot so was enjoyable. Plenty of large overstuffed cushioned loungers and chairs, very comfortable. To top it off THE FOOD was fantastic all three of my favorite foods were served; meat, meat and more meat. Five different barbecue meats were served my favorite being the smoke spicy sausage. I eat it all! And to top it off I even watched the game, and ENJOYED IT. I'm not sure why? but I did. On a sad note the Brit's lost But a good time was had by all. until next time I'm signing off giving this party a five lizard tails up! May your life be filled with sweet suntanned cash filled days. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 Tiki Fest Palm Springs; Lizard Ricky meets Shag!

I couldn't be more excited. Biggest surprise in a long time. Hooters and I were in PS for the final hurrah of the Palm Springs Follies, and to our extreme amazement we passed the Curve Hotel only to see the 2014 Tiki Caliente fest in full swing.We were on a tight schedule so I pulled in for a quick
pic of me poolside then off again. 

However I spotted a Cocktail party in the Hotel Lobby,and in true Lizard Ricky form I crash it! Sooooo glad I did! Turns out It was a meet and greet for "Shag" the artist! Shag is my all time favorite artist and the inspiration for the Lizard Ricky cartoon of myself. 

To my pleasure and the pleasure of all who attended the meet and greet were the many pieces of Shags artwork.
You may think you have never heard of him, however you most likely have. His foot print is all over Disneyland. I posted a couple of samples of his work here on my blog. I believe Shag to be the Grand pooh bah of the mid century modern art movement that is so popular now. He really owns this style. 

I so love his work and was very excited to get my picture taken with him. He has a wonderful gallery in Palm Springs and it is a must see when visiting the desert. 

Next time your in the desert cities or visiting Disneyland seek out the the artwork of Shag. You'll be glad you did.

Please take time to visit the lizard Ricky resort wear on storenvy. And may you always have sweet suntanned cash filled dreams. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Paradise Isle Pool Club at Lorick Manor is Open

"Lorick Manor" is our home. Mama Hooters and I came up with the name when we bought the home. Its a combination of both our first names. Paradise Isle is the name of our pool. We start heating the pool in May and through September. The Pool is our baby,for Hooters and I the pool is just another room in the house. 

My pride and joy is this pool I love it like a child. Hooters and I don't have children so the pool takes the place of a child. I give it all my love and attention as if it were my only beloved. I lift its diapers and wash its tiles, I wipe out the leaves. I feed it chlorine to clean its waters. I add water when its thirsty. "ITS NOT WEIRD" 

OK its weird. I'm being funny, my point is I love this pool. Truly its outdoor living at its best. Its true Southern California living. You may notice that there are chairs facing almost all directions. East,West,North and South. I want to be able to be is the sun at anytime through out the day. As the sun moves so can I to maximize my tanning. 

Four umbrellas cover each point of the yard. As I have stated before an umbrella is very important to the overall Suntanning experience. Please take note that the chairs are in the direct sun but the tables are covered by the umbrellas. I enjoy a cool beverage when taking in the sun. The umbrella is to keep my drink sheltered from the harmful rays of the sun. the harmful UV rays of the sun melt my ice cubes. 

Sooooo you can see the how the umbrella plays a very important part in the tanning process.
This past month I've been working the landscaping. Planting flowers and trimming dead branches to get the yard ready for a long hot summer full of wonderful sun filled days in the pool.

As T shirt weather and vacations start, stop by the Lizard Ricky Resort Wear store and check out the new Larger sizes in the Lizard Ricky Tee,s.

Mama  Hooters and I wish you a Happy summer filled the friends and family.

And as always I wish you Sweet Suntanned Cash Filled Dreams.

Lizard Ricky; The sage of sun, The sultan of tan, The liege of leisure.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pool party at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs

Once an old Howard Johnson is now the hip chic Ace Hotel and Swim Club. This is a young hip crowd. We,re talking kardashian hip. I was on celebrity watch. Very crowded not an empty Chaise lounge to be had by mid day. 

Although the Hotel and pool decor didn't appeal to me,Two things stand out that I really enjoyed. First the people! the conversations around the pool were fun to listen too. And visually it was a good looking crowd, and well behaved. 

Something you may not know is the lizard  detests vulgar language and salty talk. It offends my delicate nature. And I'm not big on around the pool horse play.  As you know I like a pleasant surroundings. No loud people 

Second was the food, It was fantastic I had the best burger and fries I have ever had.
If you don't stay at the Ace do stop in and eat. 
You can buy and day pass  through the Feel Good Spa for $30.00 I enjoyed my day at the Ace and recommend that you visit soon.

Visit the Lizard Ricky Resort Wear store and pick up  a shirt before your visit to the Ace.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and invite your friends to follow the lizard on his pool side adventures. And as always may your life be filled with Sweet suntanned cash filled dreams.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Friends of Rick

Its "Friends of Rick"  month March 7th is the lizards birthday so all the world CELEBRATES. My amazingly wonderful and very creative sister in law Melanie wrote a song just for the Lizards birthday party.  

So join the fun and sing along and show the lizard you love him. Mama hooters pulled out all the stops and threw the lizard two great parties. A big shout out to all the people that made my birthday so special. A big THANK YOU to Steve and Mo for the great dinner at Roscoes   

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The dangerous life of the lounge lizard

 Yes! I'm a man of leisure. Danger is out of the question. I lounge poolside! the most  dangerous thing that could happen is getting sunscreen in my eyes. 

However this last trip to the desert found the lizard in pain. 
I don't climb mountains, I don't sky dive, race mountain bikes. I sit in a lounge chair read magazines and drink coke zero and dip in the hot tub. I'm not a thrill seeker. I purposely live a safe lifestyle to avoid danger. 

I don't like pain! I avoid all unpleasantness. I lounge in the sun and take in the pleasantness of the day. On purpose I carefully avoid look around the pool just to make sure I don't accidentally see people who might be unattractive just to make sure I'm not visually disturb. 

What I'm trying to say is I just want a nice pleasant day,
No drama. Mama hooters and I were spending a few days out in Desert Hot Springs Taking in the therapeutic benefits of the mineral water at the Miracle Springs Resort. This is were the hideous incident happened. 

I stood up quickly from my chair and turned to greet Hooters and as I did I jammed my toes right into the solid pink metal chair next to mine. It was a lovely chair, sturdy and well made. My toes were no match for the "Made in the USA" cast iron chase lounger. 

Its a horror!  The whole toe went black my foot swelled, small children ran from me in fear. The toe was black all the way around and pain ran down the entire foot. The trip was ruined, I couldn't walk. But on a light note my manny peddi I got from the spa the day before never looked better. I digress.

 So a strong word of caution! even the casual laid back lifestyle of the lounge lizard can have its troubled moments. Its not just sunscreen and bad poolside food/drink service you have to be watchful of. 

Yes even the Lizard can have a bad day every now and then. here are some fun pictures of our trip and as always May your life be filled with sweet suntanned cash filled dreams.

The Lounge Lizard Ricky

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Licensed To Lounge

Are you a card carrying Lounge Lizard? are you "licensed to lounge" 
even licensed to thrill.  Oh yes, you are! Your all three with your very first purchase of a Lizard Ricky shirt.

Your a lizard and your proud of it. Why not show it off ! Hit the town with a V-neck Dress T, sophisticated black color, the lizard Ricky dress T is the mans version of the little black dress. Throw on a sport coat and a pair of slacks and make an entrance.

Confidence and Performance isn't that what its all about. When you feel good about your appearance you have the confidence to own the room.  All eyes are on you. Be the guy that's the envy of party. Pictured here is one of my Bowling Style shirts.

See the entire Lizard Ricky Shirt Collection by hitting the about button and scrolling down the page to the Lizard Ricky Resort Wear Store link and But a T shirt today.

All shirts come with this Official "Licensed to Lounge" 
membership card.  Be the first on the block to own one. Its your time to shine. Get yours today. 

And remember the Lizards motto "May you always have sweet sun tanned cash filled dreams"

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"Selfies" a dangerous practice

There is a great story behind this picture. I was spending a day at Lake Gregory. It was another great day at the North Shore Beach. Warm sun, cool clean lake water and plenty of Coke Zero to keep me hydrated.  

 I was in heaven, I was just taking it all in.  It was a Picture perfect day! So I took a picture, or two, or three, of my self. I was just trying to get a good picture of me with the lake in the background and hopefully a picture of me without someone bending over with their butt in my pix. 

After a few shots of myself I stopped to look at my pictures to review what I taken to find the best picture to post. It was a fairly busy day at the lake and the beach was full of beach goers. I was reviewing my pix  when a young lifeguard approached me. " excuse me sir, you are not allowed to take pictures of other people" 

I was so taken off guard I just looked at him totally confused and said "OTHER PEOPLE" "Yes" he said "It  very much looked like to me that you were taking a picture of those people over there" I told him that I had reversed the lens on my phone camera and  was photographing myself. "Oh sorry" he said then went to the group of people to my right to tell them of the misunderstanding. 

My first thought was CONCEDED MUCH! as I looked over at the group of beach goers who were complaining. Believe me they were no work of art. I felt like some kind of pervert photographing babes at the beach. I myself have a tendency to not pay much attention to the goings on of the other people around me. Someone could be taking my picture and I  would even be aware of it or care. 

So a word to the wise be careful when doing a Selfie. And If you ever find yourself with nothing to do and lots of time to do it in. Go visit Lake Gregory in Crestline CA.

Away from the lake as I now look at the picture in question the real crime in this picture are the wrinkled rings around my turkey neck. You could cut my head off and count the rings to find out how old I am.

I give the Lake 5 lizard tails up and as always I hope your life is filled with Sweet Suntanned Cash Filled Dreams.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Palm Springs Pools Partys

Lets go retro! I'm a Rat Pack at heart. The Riviera Hotel Palm Springs is the place to be. From the moment you walk into the lobby you can almost feel the vibrations of song from Sammy,Dean and Old Blue Eyes.

 At the beginning of each new year I like to hit the desert resorts. One of my favorite haunts is the newly renovated and very circa 50,s Riviera. Winter is when the desert goes into full swing. 

This year lots of new restaurant's and hotels to explore. Desert living is in full color. There,s nothing a don't like about this resort. I'm a fan. when I die I'm going to live here.

The hotel by its own definition is opulent. 
 And, yes it is and I love it! There are two pools one is called the Chiki Bar. The main pool has lots of sun anywhere you sit, and the water is warm and clean. The bar tender at the pool keeps my glass filled with diet coke. As you may know I'm very sensitive to my surroundings. I cant be comfortable in an ugly environment, Visually this hotel is a 10! 

 The Spa Terre is the main attraction for me. Pictured here is the Buddha Room. $25.00 buys a day pass at the Spa. The Pass includes spa amenities as well as access to the main pool, food and bar services. The staff is very accommodating and friendly. You feel very welcomed. 

They treat Everyone like a VIP. I like to think of myself as VIP I'm not of course however I do suffer from an acute case of grandeur. Its so nice of the Riviera to indulge my eccentrics.  

When the sun goes down and I,m dining at the hotels Circa 59 restaurant I wear this Lizard Ricky dress T,sport coat and tan slacks I'm ready for the "after tan" celebration. 

From the lizards pool side desk I wish all Lounge Lizards Sweet sun tanned cash filled dreams. Visit the Palm Springs, CA. Iconic Riviera hotel and spa soon. Tell them the Lizard Ricky sent you.

Google Storenvy/Lizard Ricky for shirts.

Monday, January 6, 2014

  • Mama Hooters (my wife) and I were recently down in Florida,"The Sunshine State" A sun worshippers paradise. HOWEVER !......This trip the sun was M.I.A. It rained almost everyday. It rained so much that Mama Hooters and i began to loose our good sense on humor. However, We have a vacation routine. When the sun is out so are we, when its not WE SHOP. This trip was no different. Millenia Mall just south of Orlando is one of my favorite malls anywhere. All the big stores are there. Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's etc, So on this shopping trip I told hooters (mama hooters) I wanted to buy a new suit. I said i have never bought a real good upscale suit and i would like to buy a Burberry suit. She asked how much that might cost. I told her $300-$350. That's pretty good I thought it would cost about $500. she said. I'm thinking GREAT now I got a new limit.  We went to the Burberry store and looked at what they had but the selection was poor. So we went to Bloomingdale's still nothing impressed me. Last stop, Neiman Marcus. With hooters in tow right behind me I ran strait to the Swim Suits department. hooters commented that we had just passed the Men's suits and why were looking at Swim suits. I told her I was talking about a new "Swim Suit" You're going so spend $300 on a new swim suit! I thought you meant business suit. hooters said. 

The salesman pulled out a light blue pair of Vilebrequin swim trunks.  Hooters was immediately taken by the Tiffany's jewelers shade of blue. "how much is this suit" she asked. $240.00 said the salesman. I tried on the suit, it was gorgeous! that blue against my tan skin was breath taking if i say so myself. As the salesman was ringing up the trunks he said to me "are you aware of how they work? I have no idea what he was talking about. He then said "are you aware of the features" of these trunks. Now i was intrigued "FEATURES" on a pair of swim trunks. 

Yes! he replied the trunks are a solid blue when they are dry but when they get wet they have a pattern. Flowers, sea turtles and other designs come out when the trunks are wet. 

As you can see from the photo at the top of the page the Velbrequin swim trunk makes a splash around the pool at the Ritz Carlton Orlando. Yes it was expensive, even ridiculous to spend that kind of money on a pair of swim trunks. The irony of it is that hooters thought I was buying a business suit and for me it was. I sell resort wear, I sell leisure. When I'm at the pool, I am at work. I cant be taken seriously wearing a pair of JOE AVERAGE SIX PACK BOARD SHORTS purchased from Walmart.

So as you can clearly see from the picture of me up top sporting the Velbrequin swim trunk from Saint-Tropez, is that I look fetching around the pool without a care in the world except for what to do about my sagging breasts.

And As always from the lizard to you may you always have Happy suntanned cash filled Dreams.

For more info google

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year from Lake Arrowhead! "The weather is here wish you were beautiful". The lizard and family brought in the new year at Woody's on the lake in Arrowhead Village. As you can see the sun was out and the sky was blue. Lake Arrowhead Resort is next to Arrowhead village and has a wonderful spa. Spa of the Pines. We summer in the mountains and have found The Spa of the Pines to have several options for membership and services for the summer crowd. I give the resort 4 lizard tails up. I would give it 5 but the lake being at over 5500 ft altitude towards the end of the day cools winds can come up and make it a bit cool. And for a die hard sun worshiper cool weather when tanning is out of the question.  

Today I'm wearing my "GOT A LIZARD IN YOUR POCKET" shirt. On the front of the shirt is a lizard Ricky inside a faux pocket, with the witty quip on back.

This shirt always starts a conversation.
On Sale on storenvy/lizard Ricky